HORMONIZE Cleanse is a 14-day holistic nutrition program for people wanting to improve all sexual function markers, overcome erectile dysfunction, low libido, low energy, creeping weight gain and hundreds of hormonal imbalance symptoms.
The Program is a virtual live event. Coach Emma will provides a dietary plan, recipes, food list, superfoods, superherbs, lots of education, live yoga and Tantra Sexuality group classes, personalized support and a community to help you test drive this new way of eating and living for 14-days.
Hormonal balance (boost testosterone, overcome estrogen dominance, lower cortisol and adrenaline, insulin/glucagon balance);
Vascular health
Nerves sensitivity
You can partake anytime and anywhere: at home, on the go, on vacation, during business travel, cooking or buying your food already prepared.
The diet is suitable for beginners and advanced cleansers alike.
EAT THIS. The diet is composed of fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and limited amounts of pastured chicken and wild-caught lower mercury levels fish.
We are striving to eat more alkaline-forming food and less acid-forming foods as well as hormones superfoods (with aphrodisiacs properties) to re-balance the scales.
LIMIT OR AVOID THAT. You're encouraged to completely let go of alcohol, red meat, dairy and eggs, refined sugar, baked goods, white flour and processed foods for 2 weeks (but ultimately you decide for how long).
CUSTOMIZABLE TO YOU. You'll be presented with options to accelerate further (or slow down) the detoxification process. Emma will support each participant in customizing their Cleanse.
LIFESTYLE CHANGES. The HORMONIZE CLEANSE is an invitation to deepen your self-care by bettering your sleep hygiene, introducing meditation and Yoga into your day to day, Tantric sexual energy practices for Men and Women (separate classes) and other habits that are cooling inflammation, soothing your nervous system, support healing and increase energy.
Hormonal issues can often start occurring as early as their decline begins at 30 years old for men and women, but horribly, it's happening faster and faster. In 2023, men's testosterone levels are those of a man 65 years old in the year 1980... 50% of the humans in age of reproduction are infertile. In the US, 1 in 2 male has cancer and 1 in 3 women.
We are all hormonal, no matter whether we're younger, older, male or female. We all produce insulin, thyroid hormones, stress hormones and sex hormones. Hormones are the chemical messengers that shape the way you look, feel, think and move. Our external appearance and internal well-being is a direct product of our endocrine and reproductive systems
hormonal secretion.
The HORMONIZE CLEANSE will give you a head start to balance your hormones naturally and begin to lose weight, especially in the mid-section of your body, most affected by inflammation, hormonal imbalance and stress.
A 14-day meal plan, recipes, hormones superfoods list, grocery list, supporting hormonal metabolism, especially the detoxification of excess estrogen, stress hormones and balancing blood sugar levels and boost testosterone. The foods on the plan are also known to increase blood flow throughout the body by improving blood vessels health, increase nerves responsiveness by addressing causes of nerve degeneration and reverse nerve damage, and support adrenals health and balance your hormones.
Educational weekly webinars and live Zoom check-in calls weekly.
A list of aphrodisiacs, superfoods, and elixirs that will get your juices going while improving all your health markers.
Vitamins and Minerals Supplements and herbs optional recommendations to accelerate the cleanse of used-up stress and sex hormones which may contribute to hormonal disregulation and to support adrenals, kidney and liver health (your fat burning Boss and health gate keeper)
Live Group Yoga Classes for Hormonal Balance
Tantra Sex Classes for Men and Women to awaken sexual energy in a state of relaxation and well-being. It will reframe your understanding of your sexuality.
I am 48, and by eating the HORMONIZE way for the past five years, I've been able to eliminate debilitating PMS pain, the irritability, mood swings, and fatigue often associated with peri-menopausal side effects and maintain optimal levels of sex hormones.
As a result, I have high levels of energy, commensurate to my high libido and sex drive, high levels of vaginal secretion (I don't use lube!), soft skin, and strong muscles. I’m clear-minded and feel vibrantly alive. My body is my trusted vessel and ally to enjoy my life to the fullest. Yours can, too!
Few people understand how their endocrine pyramid works and as a result, become "victims" of the changes occurring in their bodies as they age or unable to become pregnant despite all seeming "normal". But with a little education, one can preemptively change one's diet and lifestyle to overcome such issues - no matter your age. A healthy, youthful body, longevity, inner peace and a sharp mind depend on striking the right balance with all of your inter-related hormones. The challenge is that the "right" balance and levels of each hormone is bio-individual. My normal is not your normal. Your "Hormonize" education will help you understand what normal and abnormal levels feel like for your body and enable you to take action to manage changes as you grow older and have educated conversations with your doctors (request certain testing for instance).
Gentlemen, with diet and lifestyle, you can preserve your testosterone, prevent aromatization (conversion of your testosterone in estrogen) and reduce estrogen dominance (cause of the beer belly and man boobs), grow muscle mass and be more sensitive, multi-orgasmic and exploratory sexually than ever before.
Furthermore, all the xenoestrogens present in excess in animal foods and the environment is lessening the sexual polarity and attraction between men and women. You're becoming increasingly more feminine and it diminishes the energetic, magnetic polarity between masculine and feminine. This is a very big issue that contributes to erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
From the lens of Tantra Sexuality, rooted in sexual energetics where man and woman are two opposite poles of sexual attraction, a man emanating more feminine energy is tanking sexual polarity, and hence desire, as such man has to seek greater excitement to feel virile and sexually turned on. Seeking greater excitement is a direct path to premature ejaculation.
You see, Tantra teaches us about the subtle and natural electromagnetic properties of a penis and vagina. A yang/yin, positive pole/negative pole attraction between penis and vagina that exists below the level of excitement generated by genital stimulation and fantasy. Increasing the electromagnetic polarity of penis and vagina is what results in long lasting erections, incredible lubrication and opening of a woman's vagina and hours of steady penetrative sex (and something I teach in Men Sexuality Program and Tantric Sex for Couples). Excess consumption of estrogenic foods and the feminization of men has contributed to the weakening of the magnetic power of a man's cock. But this can be turned around eating foods that will increase the detoxification of xenoestrogens and boost of testosterone.
Ladies, you can be "juicy" and glowing at any age, preserve your curves, a beautiful skin, and achieve greater amounts of pleasure and self-confidence than you ever had in your 20’s and 30’s when you were busy “making it”. The key is to preserve a healthy estrogen and progesterone level for your age (even levels those a woman 10 years younger) and the ratio. The ratio is key to eliminating all PMS, peri-menopause and menopause levels. For this to happen, we need to get out of the stress cycle as the body cannot make stress hormones and sex hormones simultaneously.
As a modern woman, often caught in the stress of a competitive hectic professional life, we often remain in our hard, masculine, yang energy and forget to switch back to our natural default setting: our feminine yin energy. It's in our feminine essence that we're at our most powerful, where we can relax, resource, find peace, ease, connection, sensuality, love, openness and renew our creative juices. It's also in that place that our stress lessens and we can we regenerate our adrenals, find hormonal balance, preserve our sex hormones, especially our estrogen levels.
It's also when we reside more in our feminine surrendered energy that we deepen the natural magnetic polarity with our male partners and attract them towards us and awaken our and their sexual attraction.
$297 Fee Includes:
• The nutritional plan and resources
• Personalized support from Emma
• Daily action reminders
• Live and on-demand yoga and tantric sex classes
• Community platform with chat, event calendar and more
With HORMONIZE, you will learn which foods to eat and how to eat them to support your body's hormonal metabolism. Hormone metabolism includes four key phases critical for hormonal regulation: secretion, optimal use, detoxification, and elimination.
Using the HORMONIZE food list and recipes, you will harness the power of fruit, vegetables, healthy fats, and quality protein over 14 days. Your body will naturally cleanse itself of waste, repair malfunctioning bodily systems, and reverse three main causes of diseases: acidosis, toxicity, and tissue weakness.
Balanced hormone levels determine our energy levels and vitality, the beauty of our skin, mental clarity, a sense of peace and joy, physical strength, and a vibrant desire for everything in life, including sexual arousal. With the right knowledge and tools, the same level of sexual desire and excitement you had in your teens and twenties is available at any age.
HORMONIZE teaches you how to eat for hormonal harmony, cardiovascular health and nerves sensitivity and recover your overall health and sexual vibrancy.
Weakness in the body’s endocrine glandular system, especially in the adrenals and pituitary glands, begins after 40. Stress impacts our sexual vibrancy, mental health, metabolism, muscles and bones, and energy levels.
Three Keys to Sexual Vitality:
Hormonal balance: estrogen and testosterone levels are properly balanced with progesterone
Vascular health: blood flowing to the smallest vessels located in the genitals
Nerve sensitivity: arousal, pleasure and orgasm to occur normally
Adrenal gland weakness can cause health disorders at any age, including loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, erection problems, impotence, premature ejaculation, and prostate cancer.
For women, adrenal weakness can manifest in fertility problems, lack of libido, vaginal dryness, and even develop into ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic issues, a-typical cell, fibromyalgia, and estrogen-related cancers (breasts, ovarian, cervical, uterine).
Adrenals weaken with repeated mental, emotional, physical, and chemical stressors. A daily major stressor to our adrenals is found in acid-forming and heavily processed foods. So, what is the answer?
HORMONIZE is the antidote to stress on the body. Free your body. Boost your metabolism and your sex drive.
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